Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Keys of the Kingdom

The preaching of the gospel, administration of the sacraments and the exercise of church discipline are the three marks of a true church according to the Belgic Confession of Faith (art. 29). These marks are distinct and important in their own right, however, we do not want to suggest that a church's vitality can survive if one of these marks is neglected. This is because the three marks are so intimately connected and interrelated, that they depend upon one another for a church's ministry to properly function. My previous post showed the relation between preaching and the sacraments, here we will consider the how preaching and church discipline work together. The complimentary nature of these two marks are clearly seen in Heidelberg Catechism #83, which asks: "What are the office of the keys?" to which it responds: "The preaching of the Holy Gospel and Church discipline; by which two things the kingdom of heaven is opened to believers and shut against unbelievers." Working from Matthew 16:19, the Catechism explains the duties of the office bearers of the church and how it is that they posses the authority (delegated by God's word) to open and close the doors of heaven. The preaching of the gospel "opens" heaven to all who accept its promises by faith. However, on the contrary, true gospel preaching declares that the wrath of God abides upon unbelievers and hypocrites so long as they are not converted, and thus heaven is "closed" to them. Likewise, church discipline is carried out upon those who continue to live in sin and after several brotherly admonitions are excluded from the Lord's Table (note: connection between sacraments and discipline) and from the Christian communion, with hopes and prayers that they will repent and be restored.  In short, the gospel is not clearly and accurately proclaimed if people are not told the consequences of continuing in unbelief. How will they know what it means to be saved if they are not told what it is that they are being saved from? Likewise, the preaching of the gospel should always flow into how it is that we as Christians should respond (indicative to imperative... like Paul in Ephesians).  Grace leads to gratitude. Church discipline is the practical outworking of that message.  

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